Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dug up

Can I be completely honest? I've been dreading the musicals. I haven't liked them since I was a little kid and there was singing in every movie that I saw. Class is class though.

I gotta say I dig the coin outfits! Haha ZOOM!!!!! we lost a little bit of focus though.

The Ragtime is on par though! I hope we keep up this sense of swing!

Hahah STOP!!!! MILK THIEF!!!!

Our dialogue is solid though. Same clever brand of humor.

Ok I know that they are trying to make it seem like these musical numbers would be possible in everyday life but if that was true these people would be mad creepy. How many girls have we tried to woo by singing out your window huh buddy? The days before myspace were awfully charming.

I saw this happen in Calendar Girl. Guy plays music out of window that becomes the theme for the whole movie. Here we go.

Hahaha oh god, I can't handle this guy. Oh my dreams flew up into the clouds romance just passes me by. Bring back the jazz.

The Big Parade of Tears! Ok...if the wailing is good.

I'll make them laugh at you starving! That's a hell of a line!

This guy is the Charmer of the century! Yes, I sing and write and I'm putting up 15,000 for a show.

There's a well composed scene of anxious waiting when they're waiting for brad. There's close shots of elements of tension. It impacts the viewer pretty well.

The New AllStars Revue. That's a sweet name!

I dunno, this movie is altogether too predictable. Ohh the lead man is out, you'll have to go on! You're the only person who knows the part and there's no understudies! I hope there's a twist at the end of this somewhere. I'll be disappointed if this movie goes as I predict.

Ah god where's no wailing here. There isn't even jazz. This is Do-Wop or whatever they call it. It's like jazz's indistinguishable and uninteresting cousin. It's all based on a simple melody that progresses though different variations and climaxes by the returning to the original phrase. What does this have to do with the depression??? I'm so Disappointed! This is like a gap commercial featuring one of the little rascals. I want write a musical now just to do this right. What happened to blues about starving to death??? That was inspiring, this music lacks a grungy feel. This guy needs to stop writing music and be a banker, or give up all this money and start writing actual music about the depression.

How dare you write musicals instead of bank! The board doesn't approve! How ridiculous. I guess the older brother role had to be old school upperclass snob, but come on. Aren't we going a little too far.

Did that bellhop work for disney? Wasn't he the snake in jungle book?

We're MEN! and we don't succumb to feminine allure! Hah dang happens to me all time. Why?Because they're girls not harpies.

Dang ok we're on identity mixups. This is an old trick, you would think that the older brother would be able to tell immediately who his younger brother actually loved. I guess you have to be pretty thick

You're obviously a girl of breeding! That's terrible, worst pick up line ever!

I like that the J. Lawrence and Carol are both playing each other. Their chemistry is the strongest despite the situation. Cheap and Vulgar!! Lawrence is the biggest goon in the world though. His lines are priceless. I couldn't think of worse things to say to a girl. Maybe he doesn't deserve the best girl in the movie.

Brad's kind of messed up. Framing his own brother like that is a little low. You have to have family's back. There's a darker side to his character then I expected to see. I really don't like Brad actually. I think he's corny. Carol is my favorite character for sure. She's gorgeous and intellectual. She hangs Lawrence's check on the wall to remind herself not to get involved with his type of people! That's a coolheaded move, you have you command respect to get it and she does.

I will gush over the violin dance sequence it is a beautiful capture. Black background, white dresses, reflective pools and light up violins! Yup, I think so.

Remember my forgotten man came out alright. The lyrics are kind weak, but the brass back up does a good job and the rhythm is composed of the right air. The Chorus does it for me though, it captures the down and out feeling of the depression. Jesus what it would look like to see a man starving on the corner with his army medals still on his coat.

This play became quite the spectacle. I would have gone to see it if I had the chance. Even if it was a play about being poor written by a rich guy.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

St. Louis Woman

These are my notes for Baby Face

Ah god we're into existentialism, is this going to be a theme? Suddenly i'm not so sure that this movie won't be a downer. The our heroine didn't read it though so maybe theres hope for her.
There's a shot shortly after where a guy with a mustache is checking her our. Was there a rule in code about where you could show on girls and how close you could zoom in?

I love sarcastic women! How are you doing Lilly? I was great up till now. Hah Excuse me my hand shakes when I'm around you. Our Politician isn't giving up easily though is he? Ah the risks of living in illegal saloons.

Wow our lilly has been on the rough side of life for a while. Sold for sex since she was 14. Daddy's a scum bag. I was ready for him to die in a fire.

Oh God more Nietzsche. And her friend is Gepetto. Life is no more than exploitation? Life is nothing more than getting used? We are off on a rotten hoof.

So they sneak on to the first train to New York. Oh and we're caught. Better start using that charm. Doesn't hurt that you got Indian Jones the railway man though. That's a stroke of luck if you ask me. But it works and we're off to NY. I wonder where that guy ends up? Hey man have I got a story for you.

Ah test number two getting past a secretary for a job interview. Oh now don't tell me in this great big building there isn't room for me. Sex conquest huh, Cue the Jazz!! Oh they were good times. Nice and she got a sweet job hookup to the boss. Maybe it's just because I'm getting close to graduation but sleeping my way into a job doesn't sound so bad.

I like this because it's like Allie McBeal except that they characters are smooth operators. Lilly is a hell of a liar! I like watching her for the same reason I like watching Tony Camonte. She's quick to work her way out of a jam. So far she's gone from the worst situation to holding her own in the business world. She's adorable too, this writer added plenty of wit for her.
Haven't "I told you not to come in front of this desk? Oh but I get so lonely out there." She got caught on purpose though. That's no good, too many bridges too fast. Her bosses fiance sure jumped to conclusions fast though. It was just a hug, what happened to that old timey we used to fix what's broke attitude?

What's her bosses intention with the you're fired conversation? Ha "are you letting me go?" So smooth! "What he was engaged? Oh no what shall I do?" Guys in this movie are suckers but it's so realistic. Wouldn't be surprised if I read the true version in the paper. We haven't seen a newspaper transition yet. What are the headlines I need the headlines!

Got em

She's really got herself in the family now, I have a feeling they'll try to purge her though. She's becoming too dirty of a secret. Nobody seems to foresee it though, the end is going to come dramatically when people start to act on emotion. Not sure how long the movie will go on after the climax.

Mr. Crag the Nihilist. Crush out all sentiment.

I think when Stevenson comes to her house he starts to realize she's dating his dad. Ah ha the next scene is with his dad but he just still hasn't put it together. I'll find that man who's stealing my fling! I will I will!

Ok she gets figured out in three scenes and father and son are dead! Woah that's rash. I called it though! And now she's got a shot to talk to the board with bargaining chips! "I'm desperate but otherwise I wouldn't sell your story and ruin your company." Brilliant, she's so persuasive. She came out without a stain, a free trip to paris and a job arranged. That's a hell of a move. She's in charge of the Travel Bureau. She's set if she can just keep a level head. Anyway I'm rooting for her.

This story has really got me. I want to see things work out for Lilly. Class yesterday sets my expectation to fail though. Her character flaw comes through, when the love of her life, Courtland asks her to give up the things she's gotten for the sake of love, she refuses. She leaves him. Takes all her things and her companion/servant sings a sad song. That man alive left town or something like that. Really good tune actually.

It's like a nightmare when she tries to return to him. She can't find him at home and then finds he's killed himself in his office. She's lost it. She's missed her chance for happiness.

Oh wow he wakes up and smiles at her. There's a happy ending! Sweet! What an uplifting movie. I thought for sure the last shot would be an iris fade of her by his side as he died! Good turnaround and I'm glad that there was no dialogue in the end. That would have been mushy, this film ends like a breath I exhaled after holding it too long and feels so good.

Woah 920 words. Wonder how I can use this for my essay,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Replacement

Ok So I had to ditch out of class to listen to Ellison Floyd and Provost Bailey Speak about budget cuts on wednesday so I didn't get to catch all of Scarface. Since I decided to do my closer analysis on it this weekend, this weeks notes are on The Big Sleep with Bogart and Bacall.

Humphrey Bogart plays my favorite character. The detective who's instinct and judgement are his best skills. That and a smooth manner. This movie and The Maltese Falcon are primarily about how to play your cards right in sticky situations. It's a sweet character that I feel American cinema has lost. There's nothing here for the kids, all the humor is adult and maintains the an amount of sophistication.

Female characters are more than occasionally token, but Bacall never is. These women are witty and intelligent. Every character has an agenda too! It makes them more realistic. I mean in real life how often do you spend time with people who don't have plans? These people all act in calculated ways that are unique to their identity. I really get the feeling like there's a whole world that I'm not seeing behind this picture. Mice and Spies! or uhh Mise-en-scene? We see important scenes but we definitely don't see all the things that are going on in the story's world.

In fact were always a little bit behind the action. We're on the scene after things are at least in motion and often just right after they've happened. Or maybe I'm just distracted by the sexually intense one liners. It's like whenever our hero detective finds himself in a scene that might have been a dull conversation, his company just so happens to be a model. They're cab drivers or neighboring rare book dealers. Beautiful women are in every other shot and the pick up lines are running wild. This is how James Bond is supposed to be, loveably sleazy!

I'll post more a little later.